Saturday, 23 February 2013

mystery song Avenged Sevenfold FICTION

Previous note I
is one big fan
Avenged Sevenfold
I just wanted to share with you guys
how Jimmy Owen "The Rev"
Sullivan actually died.
Jimmy was born with a heart
enlarges, and becomes worse
along with his age.
This is why he
said he would not exceed
age 30 years.
The Rev "I will be famous and I
will die before celebrating
my birthday is the 30th "
Now you should know about
the last song on the album Nightmare,
Fiction is a suicide note.
Fiction is the last song that was written
The Rev before he died.
As many know, he
Fiction lyrics menyelasaikan 3 days
before he died. Nothing is
Until know this song that day.
He secretly writes Fiction
alone and recording herself
singing and playing instruments
without anyone knowing.
The song was originally titled "Death" but
then turned into Fiction.
As said before he
Fiction and finish the song 3 days
later he was found dead.
On the previous album, Self-
titled, The Rev wrote a song
entitled "Brompton Cocktail".
"In telling about a
want to die in pain
so much so that he took
what is called Brompton Cocktail
to kill herself. "Brompton
Cocktail is a mixture of Drug
Reports say that The Rev
found dead with oxycodone
(OxyContin), oxymorphone (a
metabolite of oxycodone), diazepam
(Valium), Nordiazepam (a
metabolization of diazepam) and
alcohol in his body. HIS
Brompton COCKTAIL.
The report also said that the only
mixture of bad and
causing his death.
The Rev knows that enlargement
heart will be the death of the
painful and therefore he
plans to commit suicide.
He writes as a Brompton Cocktail
instructions which he will use as
method of suicide, and write
Fiction as a suicide note.
He wanted to die in his own way,
not painful death
because of his enlarged heart.
A7X continue to keep this secret from
public because they do not want people
think they are a group of emo
suicide (Suicidal Emo Group). And
of course they are not like that
If you really understand the lyrics
Fiction you can say it
was a suicide note.
It's goodbye letter to all
It is sad but true
what it is ...
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How to Get Lots of Followers on Twitter Automatically Up to 100 Thousand

How to Get Lots of Followers on Twitter Automatically Up to 100 Thousand
How to Get Lots of Followers Automatically Twiiter. In this post I will inform you how to get twitter followers automatically to 100 Thousand Followers. For those of you who might Twiiter crazy this way would be very useful for you. Although I am not a maniac twiter but yesterday I tried a bit, and it turns out this work. I previously only 113 followers now 1904. Check my Twiiter @ 17_awang. Still curious yes, how do it. Here is How to Get Followers To 100 Thousand Automatic Twiiter:

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That's all that I can say. Hopefully Helpful. Thank you. - How to Get Lots of FollowersTwiiter Automatic Up to 100 Thousand

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How to Restore Twitter Accounts Suspended?

How to Restore Twitter Accounts Suspended?

First want to ask ya, there is a twitter account got suspended?? Is back again or not?? If it's yes Alhamdulillah: P
I do not know if that's how ya,, well see ya ..
Restores Suspended Twitter Account which is very easy ..
My account was suspended several times hit, even very often. But thank God kept returning to my hands: D
It is very easy, we simply apologize for violating TOS / rules twitter.
When you are exposed to suspended just been to this place:
The contents of an existing form2.
example ::
Regarding: Suspended Account
Subject: Account Suspended
Description of problem: Dear Twitter, My account is suspended. I apologize if I am wrong in using twitter. but I do not understand where is my fault that my account is suspended. I beg you to help me so that my account can be used again. thanks you very much.
Full Name: Your Twitter Name
Username: @ NamaAkunAnda
Email address: [to Yahoo, ymail, gmail, etc.]
Phone number (optional): +6285955 xxxx [should not explicitly specify the security remedy we] then submit then check your email.
There is no any reply kesalahan2 us. Then we asked to reply to ngakui and stop the error.
I used to reply: "I apologize and I promise not to repeat the bad behavior ..
Thanks a lot "
After waiting a few moments, you do not recover your account instantly. There it took about 6 hours [can not], 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, depending on the severity of our mistake.
So please be patient to wait for your account to recover and do not forget to follow my twitter @ ya e_mamat
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How to make a moves twitter avatar photo

When looking at my own twitter account e_mamat, some friends have been asking "How to Make a Twitter Avatar Moves?".

Actually quite easy and not like in facebook, Twitter provides a facility image host / upload the GIF format support, so we can freely change the avatar we use the moving image in GIF format.
Well, here I will give a tutorial how to build your twitter avatar move. Follow the steps below:
Prepare the moving images you'll use as an avatar in GIF format with a resolution of 150x150px
Login to Twitter Client Kakiteng c Kusuma using your twitter account
Click on Edit Profile
Please change your twitter avatar to use images that have been prepared during the
If completed, please go to Twitter and see the result, you now have twitter avatar move.
Easy enough right? Good luck.
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Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Indonesia experienced natural DISASTER streak. Starting from the tsunami in Aceh until the recent mudflow in East Java. It is reminiscent of similar events in the region known as the continent of Atlantis. Is there a relationship between Indonesia and Atlantis?
Picture of the continent of Atlantis entirely sourced from Plato Notes (427-347 BC) in the two works, the Timaeus and Critias. in his book entitled Timaeus, Plato tells the story very interesting about Atlantis, Here are excerpts:
"In the presence of Mainstay Haigelisi Strait, there is a very large island, from there you can go to the other islands, in front of the islands are wholly inland sea surrounded by ocean, it is the kingdom of Atlantis. When the new Atlantis will launch a major war with Athens, but unexpectedly, Atlantis suddenly experienced an earthquake and floods, not until the day and night, completely submerged in the sea floor, a large country that goes beyond a high civilization, vanished overnight. "
Latin translation of Timaeus, was made in medieval times.
Plato claimed that tens of thousands of years ago there was a variety of simultaneous volcanic eruptions, earthquakes pose, melting ice, and flooding. The incident resulted in most of the earth's surface to sink. That part is called or the lost continent of Atlantis.
Cutting-edge research conducted by Prof. Arysio Nunes dos Santos, a atlantolog, geologist, and a Brazilian nuclear physicist, asserted that Atlantis was what is now called Indonesia. After doing research for 30 years, he published his findings in a book: Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found, The Definitifve Localization of Plato's Lost Civilization (2005). Santos featuring 33 comparisons, as an area, weather, natural resources, volcanoes, and agricultural practices, which ultimately concluded that Atlantis is Indonesia. Terasisasi system typical Indonesian rice fields, he said, is the form adopted by the Borobudur Temple, Pyramids in Egypt, and ancient buildings Aztecs in Mexico.
Indonesian context
It's no coincidence when Indonesia in 1958, the idea of ​​Prof. Dr.. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja through Law no. 4 Interim Law in 1960, sparked the Declaration Djoeanda. The effect that the country of Indonesia with waters its hinterland is the unity of the archipelago. The fact was later recognized by the Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982. Referring to research Santos, during the tens of thousands of years ago the territory of Indonesia is a continent united. Not fragmented in tens of thousands of islands as it does now.
Santos determined that in the past that Atlantis was a continent that stretches from the south of India, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, continue eastward to Indonesia (which is now) as its center. In the region there are dozens of active volcanoes and surrounded by ocean that blends named Orientale, consisting of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.
Plato's theory explains that the lost continent of Atlantis is due to the eruption of a volcano erupting simultaneously. At that time most of the rest of the world was still covered by ice sheets (the Pleistocene). With the outbreak of dozens of volcanoes simultaneously mostly located in the territory of Indonesia (first), then drowned the continent and partly covered by water home from the melting ice. Of which the eruption of Mount Meru in South India and Mount Semeru / Sumeru / Mahameru in East Java. Last volcanic eruption in Sumatra which formed Lake Toba with Somasir island, which is the top of the mountain that erupted at the time. The most devastating eruptions in the future is the Krakatoa volcano (Krakatoa) which breaks part of Sumatra and Java, and others as well as forming the Sunda straits plains.
Atlantis Sanskrit Atala, which means heaven or sighting tower (watch tower), Atalaia (Potugis), Atalaya (Spanish). Plato insisted that the Atlantic at that time was the center of world civilization in the form of culture, natural resources, science / technology, and others. Plato was determined that the location of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean now. At the time, he insisted that the earth is flat and surrounded by the ocean (ocean) as a whole.
Ocean derived from the Sanskrit word meaning ashayana surrounds thoroughly. The opinion was later challenged by experts in the future such as Copernicus, Galilei-Galileo, Einstein, and Stephen Hawking.
Map of Atlantis by Arysio Nunes dos Santos in his book Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found is located in Indonesia.
Santos differ with Plato about the location of Atlantis. Brazilian scientists argue, that at the time of the eruption of the volcano range, causing the ice to melt and flow into the ocean so that the extent of increase. Water and mud from the volcanic ash and essentially burdening the ocean, resulting in tremendous pressure on the earth's crust to the ocean floor, particularly on the continental coast. This pressure resulted in the quake. This earthquake reinforced by mountains in a row then erupted and caused devastating tsunami waves. Santos named Heinrich Events.
In an effort to express opinions based on history of the world, looks Plato had made two mistakes, first about the shape / position of the earth which he said flatly. Second, the location of which is said to be the continent of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean are opposed by Santos. U.S. military research in the Atlantic region proved unable to find traces of that lost continent. Therefore there is not arbitrary proverb that says, "Amicus Plato, sed magical amica veritas." It means, "I am delighted to Plato, but I am more than happy to truth."
However, there are circumstances present that between Plato and Santos agreed. namely:
first, that the location of the sunken continent of Atlantis and by Santos confirmed as the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
Second, the number or length of the chain of volcanoes in Indonesia. Of which is Kerinci, Gutters, Krakatoa, Malabar, Galunggung, Pangrango, Merapi, Merbabu, Semeru, Bromo, Supreme, Rinjani. Most of the mountain that has been or is being active again.
Third, the issue of mudflows from the eruption of volcanic ash mixed with sea water to mud. Silt in the sea and then seep into the ground on the mainland. Mud is mixed with natural gas which is impossible barrier of mud (mud barriers that can not be passed), or in navigable (impassable), can not be penetrated or entered. In the case in Sidoarjo, never done remote sensing, remote sensing, which indicates the existence of canalization system in the region. There is a possibility that the former distribution canalization mudflow of the past.
Indonesia is a region that is considered to be the heirs of Atlantis, certainly should make us thankful. Make us not lower ourselves in the international arena, because in his time Atlantis was the center of world civilization. But as the disaster-prone areas, as has been experienced by the Atlantis, it's time we learn from history and take advantage of the latest developments in science to be able to handle it. ***
* The author is an Honorary Director of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), Paris-France
Please see video Exclusive Interview with Prof. Arysio Santos about Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found, The Definitifve Localization of Plato's Lost Civilization Via
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5 best military (KOPASSUS TO 3)

In a country, security forces typically consist of a national army and police of not be able to solve all the security problems that occur in the country, especially if the security problems facing the country is specific (terrorism, smuggling, etc.). because police and regular army are usually only trained to deal with problems that are universal. By the state because it needs to form a special force (or often often called the elite) who only deal with one side security issues, and almost all countries in the world already has special forces, including Indonesia with his Kopassus and Detachment 88.
But do you know 5 special forces who considered the strongest in the World?
here they are:

1. England SAS (Special Air Service) d SAS (Special Air Service

Is a special forces regiment within the British Army who had been a model for the special forces of other countries. SAS formed a significant part of the United Kingdom Special Forces Special Boat Service (SBS), Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR), and the Special Forces Support Group (SfSg).

Martial Arts: Gon-Ryu Karate
Alumni: Bear Grylls [discovery channel in the event Survival expert]

Note: "SAS said that if another guerrilla war, feces ampe brought them so ga ama ketauan there who live there".

2. Mossad Israeli

The Mossad [HaMossad leModi’in uleTafkidim Meyuchadim]

Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection and covert operations including paramilitary activities.

This is one of the main entities in the Israeli Intelligence Community, along with Aman [military intelligence] and the Shin Bet [internal security], but director reports directly to the Prime Minister. Roles and functions the same as the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] and the Secret Intelligence Service [SIS].

Martial Arts: Israeli Krav Maga
Alumni: Rafi Eitan [Now he already become one of the world's peacekeeping forces]
Motto: "Prevent the first attack, neutralize the opponent, make them look bad dream things that they would do.

3. Indonesian KOPASSUS

Kopassus is the Indonesian Army special forces. groups that perform special operations missions for the Indonesian government, such as direct action: unconventional warfare, sabotage, counter-insurgency: counter-terrorism, and intelligence gathering. Kopassus was founded on April 16, 1952.

Martial Arts: White Dove
Alumni: 3 KOPASSUS have made ​​the best of world peace forces.
Motto: Dare, Right, Succeed. (Short Solid Clear) (This is My Country, My Country Here and Here Garudaku).

4. Russian Spetsnaz

Russian special forces can specifically refer to any elite or Spetsnaz units under subordination of the Federal Security Service [FSB] or Internal Troops of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the units controlled by the military intelligence service GRU.

Martial Arts: Russian Sambo
Moto: "How foolish it hahaha those who want to kill us with the way they are, they just do not know that the blood that will bertumpahan will come from their own. They just do not know ... that's all. "

5. French GIGN

National Gendarmerie Intervention Group, commonly abbreviated [GIGN] [French: Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale], the French Gendarmerie is an elite Special Operations counter-terrorism and hostage rescue units, it is part of a military force called the Gendarmerie.

Even if the members belong to the military, they are now charged with police duties outside urbanized areas. Thus the enhanced GIGN unit closer to the SWAT team rather than purely military units such as the British SAS. The operators will be trained to follow police regulations and include negotiation and investigation specialists.
Ga nyangka gw ternyata KOPASSUS Kren juga yah.... ^_^
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      10 Best Drummer in the World

      Usually in a band that is best known vocalist or guitarist. Drummer could have been less well known because it is always placed in the back. But in a band, the drummer plays an important role. Their duty to keep the rhythm of the music. Here are 10 world's best drummer.
      1. Jimmy "The Rev Sullivan"
      Jimmy was holding drumsticks since the age of five years. One of the founders of the band Avenged Sevenfold was born on February 9, 1981. "Sounding the Seventh Trumpet" is the first album he recorded with his band Avenged Sevenfold. The song was recorded when he was 18 years old.

      2. Travis Barker
      Born on November 14, 1975. Travis became famous name since he joined Blink 182, a pop punk band. With typical mohawk hair, bare chest and body covered in tattoos, Travis was transformed into one of the best drummers in the world.

      3. Ian Paice
      Ian Paice is one savvy musician from England. Ian joined the band Deep Purple. The left-handed drummer was born on June 29, 1948. Ian is one of the world's fastest drum beater.
      4. John Bonham
      Since the age of five years have started learning Bonham drumming. Bonham learned to play drums using her cookware. Men born May 31, 1948 is incorporated in the band Led Zeppelin. He is known for the power and speed in drumming.

      5. Lars Ulrich
      Born in Denmark on December 26, 1963. At age 17, he was educated at the American drum. He formed a band with James Hetifield Metalica. A heavy metal band. Not less than 12 albun has he launched with Metalica.

      6. Neil Peart
      The Rush drummer Neil Ellwood Peart's full name Oc. At the age of 13 years, Neil has started learning to play the drums. Besides being a drummer, musician from Canada is also a powerful lyricist.

      7. Keith Moon
      Born on August 23, 1946. British drummer joined the band The Who. Keith Moon is known as an innovative drummer. He is also known as the drummer who has hit hard. "Moon the Loon" or Mad Moon is the nickname given to Keith Moon, because his style is weird.
      8. Joey Jordison
      Nathan Jonas Jordison, Slipknot drummer that's the full name of this. At a young age, Joy never played in the school jazz band. Joy has been playing drums since the age of 8 years. The Iowa-born drummer was working at the gas station.

      9. Tico Torres
      Hector Samuel Juan Torres, better known by Tico Torres was born in California on October 7, 1953. In his youth, Tico Torres is a fan of jazz music. In 1983, he joined the band Bon Jovi. Together Bon Jovi She has released more than 10 albums.

      10. Mike Portnoy
      Of small Portnoy has been interested in world music. Myung and Petrucci and his partner, drummer Berklee Music College Boston upbringing is set up band Dream Theater. For 12 consecutive years Portnoy managed to get the award for "Best Progressive Rock Drummer" Modern Drummer magazine.

      sumber : google
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