Saturday, 23 February 2013

mystery song Avenged Sevenfold FICTION

Previous note I
is one big fan
Avenged Sevenfold
I just wanted to share with you guys
how Jimmy Owen "The Rev"
Sullivan actually died.
Jimmy was born with a heart
enlarges, and becomes worse
along with his age.
This is why he
said he would not exceed
age 30 years.
The Rev "I will be famous and I
will die before celebrating
my birthday is the 30th "
Now you should know about
the last song on the album Nightmare,
Fiction is a suicide note.
Fiction is the last song that was written
The Rev before he died.
As many know, he
Fiction lyrics menyelasaikan 3 days
before he died. Nothing is
Until know this song that day.
He secretly writes Fiction
alone and recording herself
singing and playing instruments
without anyone knowing.
The song was originally titled "Death" but
then turned into Fiction.
As said before he
Fiction and finish the song 3 days
later he was found dead.
On the previous album, Self-
titled, The Rev wrote a song
entitled "Brompton Cocktail".
"In telling about a
want to die in pain
so much so that he took
what is called Brompton Cocktail
to kill herself. "Brompton
Cocktail is a mixture of Drug
Reports say that The Rev
found dead with oxycodone
(OxyContin), oxymorphone (a
metabolite of oxycodone), diazepam
(Valium), Nordiazepam (a
metabolization of diazepam) and
alcohol in his body. HIS
Brompton COCKTAIL.
The report also said that the only
mixture of bad and
causing his death.
The Rev knows that enlargement
heart will be the death of the
painful and therefore he
plans to commit suicide.
He writes as a Brompton Cocktail
instructions which he will use as
method of suicide, and write
Fiction as a suicide note.
He wanted to die in his own way,
not painful death
because of his enlarged heart.
A7X continue to keep this secret from
public because they do not want people
think they are a group of emo
suicide (Suicidal Emo Group). And
of course they are not like that
If you really understand the lyrics
Fiction you can say it
was a suicide note.
It's goodbye letter to all
It is sad but true
what it is ...


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